Wednesday, May 7, 2008

changing times

5 years back,wen i was in my school,i wudn't hav bin surprised if one of my frens came up nd said,"so its true dt u actually hav a set of parents!!this is d first time i 've seen them inside d school campus!!".Too true..But now dey attend all d pta meetings at my sis's school,which is wer i studied too..nd im sure if d old teachers wer all der, dey would hav been too taken aback by my folks presence..!!dey even find deir time to attend seminars conducted at school abt parenting!! worse still dey make it a point to come eagerly to my college,each time dey get d pta committee's invite card..!! wat the !!wat s happening to my parents !!

and this kept me thinking abt myself..could it be dat d way i hav grown up made them rethink abt deir own ways of parenting??hav i disappointed them too much???i hope not..

Sunday, May 4, 2008

my first ever post..

blogger would probably tell u that i hav been in here since march'08, hard put u would be though,in finding an earlier post than this. I do regret the lack of activity.The mysterious(!) absence of written stuff could be attributed to a recent trait i hav inherited..or rather, imbibed, (from where, i cant possibly say!)... sloth nd sleep!!

but now seem to be the perfect timing to do a bit of penning, 'typing' in this case..
thanks to the rescheduling of academic calender kerala university is attempting now,a decent break (the uni blessed us wid sem break) from all the academic stuff was the exact thing i was craving for...

abt one week before,i were to be found dumbed beneath an amassing amount of record work, assignments and related stuff..all in d midst of lectures which were becoming trifle too boring..not that life all on a sudden became too trying for me..but i badly wanted a break from d whole submission stuff!!

nd now comes d very refreshing sem break..and i hav no intention of turning it into a futile time gone wasted cant be afforded always..nd here starts my experimentation wid d world of blogging...wishing happy blogging days for me..signing off,