Tuesday, December 27, 2011

bliss, in the land of far far away!

Sitting somewhere,anywhere, with no one to watch over, or even check on you. The naked loneliness, nothing to beat that.

To realise after a couple of solid hours that you have been at your best with yourself, and to be aware of the darkness looming around you. The trees coming at you, from all sides, their branches looking murderous at your daring to be in their midst, at this wee hour, when they ought to be just with themselves. You have tresspassed. But they draw back, your nonchalance troubles them. You got other things in your mind. You are in one dark corner of the big campus. Even the SIS guards did not know about the you lurking in the darkness! And the wi-fi advantage, yes, you are not totally alone – you have the internet world and specifically the youtube with you. And still playing the favourite song of the day, to somehow vent out the angst of the day, and just type away something, some random non – sense.

Yes, I am here, doing what some might call crazyness. Wandering, alone, but relishing in the lone time. Okay, I dint get the nirwana, but I dint go seeking that as well. I went seeking silence, where there will be no more pointing fingers, no more accusations, no more strange demands. Just a fragile mind, a needless worry, and some deep rooted gashes of pain. A time to cry out to the world that you are tired and weary of its strange fallacies. To decide its time to come out of the veil. Such moments of retrospection, that gives you relief and reprieve. I went in search for that.

And you get your moments, of laugh and lament. To be shooed away ( :( ) by the SIS guards because you decided to visit the rooftop of a building, which may well be the favourite suicide spot (?!) of students. But, hey, i came to live, not die! Laugh! And which is why, standing there, looking at the breathtaking beauty of the bougainvillea and trees happily surrounding the buildings, savouring in the comfort and the promise this sight offered me, happiness filled me, inspite of the crippling darkness inside. Clearly I am unhappy. I am angry at the world, for being unlike me, for getting the better side of the toss, for having a hope, and a future. Lament! But here, life gets the better off me. I go down the stairs, looking for another place, for a silent solace for the yelling mind. And i get it.

My hopes were indeed bursting at the seams. Sometimes disappearing. At others, taking an entirely new face that frightened me. The blemishes of a saddened mind. The scintillations for a better future tempting me. If only i had the courage. To cross the bridge. Take the u-turn. Courage, I realise, is all that matters. And thus, I go back. To where i belong. The world of people, that welcomes me back, with extended arms.

PS : Act of random crazyness exist. Life is all about the madness in you.


Harisankar said...

My dear Sis,Its only a matter of opening up,its only a matter of seeing the Happy world from the perspective that it should have bee observed,its only the matter of learning to say a firm NO when it was essential,it was only a matter of knowing where ur priorities lied,It was only a matter of time before u saw who were the ones who really cared and who were the ones who were to be stoned...That time has come..No more tears,no more alone time,no more lamenting and no more I-could-have's,no more crying to sleep and no more forcing to smile..Let bygones be begones...Look at life,look at the colour and flavours around you,look at the people who love u for what you are--THE LOVING<exuberant,charming,chirpy,frolicking little girl who u really are--Become that person again..
Cos in life SHit happens..But it happens so that you know who are the persons who will be really der with u to face those challenges and help u kick it square in between its legs..:)

LOve u lots..
BEautifully written my love,

ur darling bro,
THe Wannabe

Devi Srilatha said...

...really really a very well written work!!...it just so clearly portrays the war between my brave little deepa and a bitter world...in which u r triumphant...the credit being given to those wonderful people around you and the massive courage you have to face life in the best spirits ever!!....

love devi...

cyclopes said...

M'dear maakri..:)

I would say tat such situations brings out the best in you.. which includes your writing :), but it also lets out your other best part..tat ever happy girl who keeps running around bouncing on her feet all the time..She is the one whom u turned to when u were down and its she that really pulled you away from that abyss, anyone but you would have plunged into..

Once again your path is well lit..No need to look around for the source of light..It comes from you yourselves!!

So now go ahead and let loose all your happiness..and live your life armed now with the proof that you can swat away any obstacles that come your way with impunity, and that you will always have so many shoulders to lean on in case you need them..
