Tuesday, May 1, 2012

an afternoon muse

I haven’t yet been able to do away with my fluffy, comfortable rajai. It is summer, and the sun suddenly seems to be wanting to show its merciless self of killing heat. Even the slight cold of the mornings lessen, erasing a cozy winter dawn from my memory. Yet, i hold on to my lovely rajai. Give it that quarter of a space on my bed, a fond reminder of my favourite winter weather. And my affinity to still cling to it tenderly or use it huddled up like a self-made diwan’s raised edge, did not let my dear Ambi to have the heart to put her’s away too. Thus lie the two rajai’s happily on our double bed, waiting for me to come and spread myself on them lovingly in my moods of sheer indolence. In its pleasant flowery covers that we both so carefully chose. One with yellow sunshine flowers thrown all about a beautiful purple blue, and other a clear light sky blue colour with a sunny look about it. These are my companions in sloth and sleep, my favourite shoulders to rest on, in those moments of long ruminating thoughts. My mates in muse.

I thus, sluggishly get to my bed, in this lazy afternoon, plump myself a l’l up on one of the rajai’s raised up,slanting on the table side of the bed, with our entire collection of pillows thrown on top of it. And let my body contour itself to the other rajai, my own, ever welcoming one. I then look up at the ceiling at the rotating fan and let thoughts over power me. I let them all come to me, and let myself fly with them like the kid who runs with the kite. In a mesmerized state, I lie there, brooding over a million different things, starting from making a piggy bank, to a picture painting, to a much awaited window-shopping spree, to the problem statement of my thesis, to the infinite no of books that I have been wanting to read for ages, and all the other little happiness of my life. Hugging onto and lying close to my companions in abstract thoughts. Lying close to my love, at this time of the day.


dEpz said...

:) good one :)

Shemeera said...

ho...amazinggg deepakutee...