Saturday, June 7, 2008

"THE END OF THE DAYS"-an appeal to d Uni.

coming to hav a l'l talk,der is one thing dt has got me worrying abt for d past one week-"d end of d days"!!not one of those intellectual, concerned-abt-d-wat will happen to our universe-talk for sure!! i am talking abt d end of my sem break. "d most loved-reverred-cherished-enjoyed-nd sometimes even sweared at for cause of boredom-sem break" has come to an end- yeah even before i knew it..!!a very sad note indeed..nd wat happens next??i face d proposal of having to go to college from d next day onwards..not a very looking-forward-to sorta idea..

nd now that i talk about it,i realise der have been a couple of good things abt sem break afterall.not dt i dint appreciate it at d beginning,d "end of d days" make it far more important dan it ever was!!

it is a "semester" break which cud be without wrong also called "study break":thus having enlightened my parents d very eve of d starting of d glorious days,i made myself on d safe side,wid an assured no "r u not supposed to open ur book this hols??" queries, no sighing-behind-my-back during d hours-on-end devotion to net,no restrictions for late night movie watching,no counting of hours wen u sleep round d clock,no raised eyebrows for kicking up excuses to always go out...!!,this is one hell of a holiday u r enjoying..!

However,v hav bin told of a sembreak for quite sometime now...nd since d curiosity cudn't b contained longer,everyone started a info-hunt on deir own abt d possible sem break.Unfortunately,wat v came up wasnt pretty exciting stuff, seniors dint help much too-many put it off as a regular rumour nd others havn't even heard abt it...other very helping seniors even tried to shake us off d idea by reminding dt this thing has never ever happened before in d uni-history..."optimistic to d core" s d approved attitude here at college, "to d extreme" wen it comes to holidays nd postponing of exams..

But all of us continue to hope..for the blessing to come..

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