Tuesday, October 6, 2009

[CAUTION :- Any wayward or stray reader who has stumbled upon this page may skip the rest coz the article below is not worth ur precious time.It is posted in my near vain attempts to retain this blog.
But My friends, who r visiting under my sheer compulsion may read on, coz u r already used to my non chalant chattering, no harm will come from an extra dose ;)It might even come as a welcome change that u r reading now and not listening !!]

Right now, im supposed to be working on my seminar. But for some mysterious reasons
( read 'lazyness and a constant sense of irresponsibility') im online and doing a bit of orkutting and yahoo chat.For the record,i created this in the month of March 2008, when i thought i was on the verge of becoming a great writer,judging by the way my thought process was churning out (lol!!).As it turned out, the torrent was only a way of getting out of the boredome coz during that time, if i remember right, i had some exam to concentrate on.It is when i sit in front of text books that i realise i have a thousand other ways to pass the time.

If blogs had a life of their own, mine would have hated me sorely for such a life of sunken loneliness. Probably it would have told other blogs over their coffee time chat that he/she ( i havent figured out yet whether its a he/she.since it belongs to me, it would be she i suppose?)is survived by a lazy scum bag of a girl who signs in for nothing except to try out different palettes for the blog and see how it appears!!or to check out on other blogs and to disappear without posting a comment!

Anything dear to one would be special, right? Though, uncared for, i still feel close to my blog!So anybody who would tell me to just delete it if u wont write ,i wont listen.What amuses me most now is the name i gave it in the beginning. I think now that "Silent space" or "Lazyness Realm" would have been more appropriate.Kinda symbolic.But for the time being, let the name remain.Coz friends are messaging me asking about the seminar preparations.I had told them that im planning to complete the whole thing today ,but here im,blogging.So here i go,promising to come back again, coz in all probability, i will be working on the seminar tomorrow too!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

u hv a blog??? eeswara!