Monday, February 13, 2012

the forest, an excerpt.

I get jealous of this glorified thief, when Henry Gilbert writes like this.. "They travelled following their leader through the leafy ways of forest, winding in and out beside the giant trees, across the fern - spread glades whence the red deer and the couching doe sprang away in affright, wading across brooks and streams, skirting some high cliff or rocky dell.....

....Sometimes across the glade a flash of jewel - like light would come. It was a dragon fly, and in the rays of the sun it would hover and swerve before the bushes, like a point of living flame. The forest seemed to wake up, bird called to bird across the cool deep of the trees, the evening wind rustled the leaves, and a great stir seemed to thrill through the woods.."

(- Robin Hood)

I so wish to travel, when i read lines like these, to explore a forest, to see those blades of light playing with the shades and seeping in through the leaves, to listen to those birds, to wet my feet in the brooks, to feel that irreplacable and alluring beauty of nature, to go with that backpack, do some camping, and what all and what not...

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