Wednesday, February 29, 2012

restraints and reprisals..

times, when we check ourselves, our damnedest desires and dilemmas of life.
relishing in the conquer of the denials, gaily going in the drawn lines of discipline.
times, when the wind changes, and arises the need, to question, these very self restraints
give them to the wind, smash them, upturn them, those patiently counted days
let them stumble, like a card castle, that breaks down in a flutter of light paper strokes
laugh now, loud, in the vile pleasure at the castle's fate, that came swiftly at a single piece's plight
sleep, in the smug satisfaction of undoing, only after reminding myself the onus of reworking
maybe, to remind me, that i still have the control? of doing, undoing, and reworking?
maybe, to remember again the steering is still with me, to go forward, reverse or apply a break.

PS : a thought, on d day i broke an unnecessary diet i had embarked on, only to restore it from the next day onwards.. :D

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